EUROWOOD is active in the import & disposal of timber.
The company was founded in 2004 and currently has 9 acres of facilities.
Its products are distributed through affiliated agencies throughout Greece.
EUROWOODimports impregnated Finnish lumber with the specialty of 4th grade impregnation, which is one of the factors that makes its products last for years.
At the same time, EUROWOOD has the most competitive prices in Austrian Glulam timber and in the innovative asphalt SBS bitumen shingles made in Finland.
with the aim of continuous improvement and better service, puts the priority of the triptych endurance – quality – superiority.
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because materials are not a temporary solution but a foundation for years.
since there is no sorting wood but products from certified timber factories.
as a result of the aforementioned reasons, which put EUROWOOD a step ahead of the competition.